Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Current Obsessions

Being overweight there are lots of things I want... when I'm thin!  BUT since I'm not yet there are my go to items I can't live without!  They make life a little easier and much more fun!

My pink Nalgene bottle.  I literally use this every day.  For me drinking water SUCKS!  I do it because I need to and ONLY succeed it if I find a pretty way to do it! 

Viva La Juicy perfume!  I only buy the small purse side one and carry it all the time!  Great for touch ups!

Buxom lipgloss in Dolly.  It's got a lovely lip plumper in it that some how manages to moisturize without being sticky!  I literally apply this about 10 times a day.  It's ridiculusly good!

This is always in my freezer!  And I am not exaggerating when I say always!  It is the creamiest, yummiest thing on the planet.  I save points most nights for a bowl!  Add some frozen thawed mixed berries and MMMMm perfect dessert!

Scarves!  I have many, different lengths, colors and patterns!  The jazz up any outfit and the longer ones tend to hide a lil tummy :)
My lime green IPOD Nano.  I used to have a snazzy Touch but funny story....

One day I traveling home from Rochester after a visit with my sister.  I had plans to meet a guy for a few drinks, 1st date, exciting!!!!!  Well it rained ALOT and it slowed traffic to a crawl.  I was running about an hour behind.  I still had to pretty up and knew I'd never make it to the place we'd chosen.  So, I ask the guy if we can change the location to a bar closer to home.   He agreed, I dashed home, speed prettied and zipped out of the house!  About a minute out of my driveway I realize "OH NOOOO, I forgot my little clutch and all I've got is my big shoulder bag that pretty much houses half of what I own!".  I don't have time to go back so I call him and  explain why I'm going to look totally dweeby pursewise.  He of course doesn't know the difference between a clutch and a shoulder bag so in I go.  He was handsome, the beers were going down easy, conversation was great... and so it went on and on for quite some time.  We're deep in convo when a waitress runs over and says "OMG did you have a purse?" I look down and sure enough, my big ol shoulder bag that was perched on the back of my stool is now gone.   They take off after the guy who has already hopped in the car ready with a getaway driver and poof, gone... with  my purse.   Enter tears, cops, etc.  Now I'm annoyed because 1.  I was stupid enough to put my bag there.  2.  I was oblivious enough to not notice he snagged it.  3.  I let myself get so engrossed in a man that I tuned out everything else!   UGH!  So I'll give you the run down on what was in that bag.... 1. IPOD Touch, 1 IPOD Nano (My daugher's) 1 Digital Camera, 1 Pandora Bracelet, 1 and ONLY set of car keys, $150 cash, Viva La Juicy perfume, Buxom lipgloss, a checkbook and some other misc items.  Not to mention the bag was about $150.  Now normally this wouldn't all be in there but as I said, I had just been on a trip!  So needless to say I'm pretty devestated, a blubbery mess and now need a ride home.  Luckily my date drove me home and he drives a Hummer so that was pretty cool!  The next day a lovely woman called and said she found my bag in her trash can and in it, my car keys and checkbook!  Small victory!  The man didn't work out and I didn't get any stuff back but I did learn a very valuable lesson!  LET NO MAN MAKE YOU UNAWARE!  Heck, no food either cuz let's be real, sometimes my plate of food is far more delicious looking than my date!

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